Offmore Primary School

Welcome to Offmore Primary School

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural



Offmore was awarded The National SMSC Quality Mark - Gold Standard in July 2019, David Brandrick our verifier noted the following in his verification report:

When speaking with students from Offmore David noted…

“Students spoke so eloquently to me about life at Offmore and how supported they felt at your school. Throughout our discussions, there was a clear understanding from students that your school is preparing them for life as future citizens in modern Britain. The students were eager to tell me about the role of the school council at Offmore in making change happen. They told me that they feel safe and supported and articulated well how SMSC was developing their character and moral compass. They were clear about their democratic rights as young people and understood the importance of voting. ……… Students demonstrated well their understanding of the British Values and why these are important as they grow into young adults. Thought bubbles also challenge students to think about the moral/ ethical aspects of topics/ discussions.

In discussions with the Headteacher, it is clear that SMSC is the foundation and core of all that happens at Offmore. A secure vision, shared by all senior and middle leadership teams, is embedded across all subject areas through effective planning and when choosing activities for learning. Offmore is very much a community school and values the skills and attributes of visitors to enhance their SMSC delivery. The school environment is welcoming and supportive and it is clear to see why students enjoy attending school. Displays around school are relevant and reflect life in modern Britain.


Strengths of the school’s SMSC development:

Through your self-evaluation and our discussions it is evident that there are numerous SMSC related strengths at Offmore; the following are a few examples:

  • SMSC is embedded well at the school and is evidently clearly in discussions with the Headteacher, Governors and students.
  • Students are developing well their critical enquiry skills and curiosity for the wider world.
  • Students understand and value the role of democracy in their lives and how to use this as a vehicle for change.
  • Extra-curricular activities exist out of student requests and continue to be popular.
  • A vision for SMSC that is shared universally by all members of the school community and a clear understanding by all of their role in moving this forward.”


As a school we ensure all our curriculum topics hold SMSC at the heart, giving our children a key focus and rationale behind their learning.


SMSC is not only at the heart of our curriculum but at the heart of our school…..

At Offmore our core value is RESPECT and our students work hard to earn their RESPECT shields.

The children of Offmore reflect on their experiences using the SMSC thought clouds, these are evident within all learning journeys and show how SMSC is the driver to our curriculum.  



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As part of our drive to provide Offmore children the best opportunity in the wider community, we had a visit from Ann Mulders from HSBC bank. We are the 2nd school in the country to be awarded the 'Smart money award 2024'. this was for the support of financial education for young people.