Governing Body
Listing of current Governors and their Business Interests for the 2024/25 Academic Year:
Marie Bradbury - JOINT CHAIR
Date of re-appointment: 06-12-2023
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: FGB
Declared Interest: Academy Trust
Type: Co-opted
Attendance: 2 out of 3 meetings
Date of re-appointment: 06-12-2023
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: FGB
Declared interests: Governor at Comberton Primary School
& Vice Chair and Trustee of King Charles 1
Type: Local Authority
Attendance: 0 out of 3 meetings
Cynthia Johnstone
Date of re-appointment: 28-06-2023
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: FGB
Declared interest: Spouse of staff member
Type: Co-opted
Attendance: 1 out of 3 meetings
Leanne Newton
Date of appointment: 12-07-2023
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: FGB
Declared interest: Staff member
Type: Staff
Attendance: 1 out of 3 meetings
Nick Hughes
Date of re-appointment: 01-09-2023
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: FGB
Declared interest: Spouse of staff member
Type: Associate
Attendance: 2 out of 2 meetings
Jane Large
Date of appointment: 22-06-2022
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: FGB
Declarations of interest: none
Type: Co-opted
Attendance: 2 out of 2 meetings
Joanne Hastings
Date of appointment: 18-01-2023
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: Parent election
Declarations of interest: none
Type: Parent
Attendance: 2 out of 2 meetings
Sarah Cheetham
Date of appointment: 08-03-2023
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: Parent election
Declarations of interest: none
Type: Parent
Attendance: 2 out of 3 meetings
Alex Lane
Date of appointment: 06-12-2023
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: Parent election
Declarations of interest: None
Type: Parent
Attendance: 4 out of 4 meetings
NB: All Governors have full voting rights at both Full Governing Body and all Committee Meetings. Associate Members have voting rights only on the Committee upon which they sit.
Offmore Governing Body have the following Committees:
- Education - to include teaching and learning, attainment, progress, personal development, behaviour and SMSC.
- Resources - to include personnel, finance, premises and health and safety.
The Committees meet on a termly basis and their Terms of Reference can be found on this link.
Contacting the Chair of Governors:
Mrs Marie Bradbury/Mrs Fran Oborski c/o Offmore Primary School, Wordsworth Crescent, Kidderminster, DY10 3HA
Telephone Number: 01562 753934
Email address: