Our Offmore Curriculum
At Offmore Primary School, our curriculum intention is to learn through a highly engaging and cross-curricular approach. We use the curriculum to give the children knowledge and skills for life and to understand that they can make a difference to both themselves and others. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development are at the heart of everything we do to enable our pupils to become successful and responsible citizens of the future.
The key purpose of the curriculum at Offmore is to engage and enthuse our learners . Our curriculum is a narrative that has purpose and real life outcomes where the children begin the topic story knowing little and end up becoming experts. Through the study of inspirational figures, we encourage our pupils to aspire to be anything they want.
Children know, and where possible, are involved in shaping how the purpose of each topic is achieved and as a consequence, they understand that their learning and hard work has a goal and a definite outcome. It is through completing this outcome that children use their knowledge and understanding for the purpose; it is a way of them communicating their findings and making an impact through projects within school as well as in the wider community.
The idea of this approach is that each topic is driven by a purpose and enquiry based questions lead the learning journey that opens out the plans for the whole topic.
The cross curricular approach to learning ensures there are frequent opportunities for children to demonstrate that they can apply the knowledge and skills gained in core lessons (Reading, Writing, Maths and SPAG) into all areas of their work, again giving an opportunity to emphasise the purpose of learning . Our topics give clear opportunities for children to take responsibility for decisions, work in teams or independently, and to take on various roles within the process of learning and achieving. We believe in our curriculum creating opportunities that develop knowledge and skills for life and a love for learning.
Some of our learning challenges have included the following:
- Designing and selling a publication (book, guide, newspaper, magazine) – Offmore Gossip Magazine ‘OMG’
- Running a website - class pages
- Setting up a community museum (specialist exhibition, gallery, festival) Dinosaur museum - Stone Age museum
- Setting up a shop (stall, fayre, garden centre) – Victorian Christmas Fayre
- Running a market (restaurant, healthy food stand, take away) - healthy snack project
- Designing and selling a product (food, craft, fashion item) – Healthy Eating Recipe Book and Aerobics DVD
- Planning and undertaking an educational visit (trip, expedition, excursion)
- Creating an educational resource for a different year group (guidance sheet, pack)
- Creating a workshop for parents or peers -How to be a Pirate Workshop, Water Aid Awareness Workshop
- Providing a community service (talk, workshop, information service)
- Running a consultancy (social media, energy efficiency) - Saving Water Awareness Campaign
- Creating a re-enactment day - Great Fire of London Day, Roman Army Day, Victorian School Day
- Making real changes within school (healthy eating programme)
- Running an enterprise based event to raise money (water aid, WWF)
- Planning, organising and running a production (performance, concert) The Greatest Showman- Nativity in the Forest
Our curriculum overviews always include a whole class sustained novel as well as quality texts to be used as models. They also include an overarching approach to celebrating and learning about Fundamental British Values and are designed to support physical, mental, spiritual and intellectual development.
Please follow this links below for our latest curriculum maps and knowledge organisers:
Early Years - What are the children learning?
Key Stage One -What are the children learning?
Lower Key Stage Two -What are the children learning?
Upper Key Stage Two- What are the children learning? - curriculum overviews menu tab)