Offmore Primary School

Welcome to Offmore Primary School

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 

 Cat Skelding- SENDCo at Offmore Primary School

Hello, I am Mrs Skelding and I am proud to be SENDCo at Offmore. I passionately believe in every child's right to a broad and exciting curriculum that offers them the very best life chances. I graduated from University in 2015 with a Speech and Language Therapy degree and eagerly sought to find a school that valued the power of communication and respected all learners.

At Offmore we are a family and we understand that strong relationships with parents build solid foundations from which children grow. Parents know their children better than anyone else and we aim to empower them to ensure they are a valued part of their child's Offmore journey.

Communication is key . I have a personal SEND email so parents can contact me directly and I make regular phone calls just to touch base and celebrate our wonderful children. Additionally, parents are always welcome to come for a cup of tea ( and even a biscuit!) in our pastoral pod.

If you would like any more information about how we support all of our fantastic learners at Offmore and how  we tailor our curriculum to meet their needs please just give us a call : Offmore listens, Offmore cares, Offmore nurtures.


SEND Responsibility Framework: Working together for our children

SEND guide for parents

offmore send information leaflet for parents.pdf


Special educational needs and disabilities guide for parents and carers

Government information on SEND

SEND Code of Practice 0-25 Years: 

 Worcestershire County Council SEND offer

In response to the new Code of Practice, Local Authorities must publish a 'local offer' - the things that their schools/services will offer to SEN pupils and their parents. Worcestershire County Council are using the phrase 'Ordinarily Available' to describe the minimum entitlement of SEND pupils in mainstream schools.

Link to Policies Page

Policies (Including SEND)