Year 3 & 4 - Owls
A very warm welcome to Owls! Our class teachers are Mrs Lester (Monday and Tuesday) and Mrs Baril (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). We also have the brilliant Mrs Green and Mrs Randall supporting.
Key Information
Our outdoor P.E. lesson will take place every Friday and indoor P.E. will be on a Tuesday. Please make sure your child comes to school in their P.E. kit on these days. Also make sure your child does not wear jewellery on these days and long hair should be tied back.
Home Learning
Reading Books and Diaries 
Reading books and diaries need to be in every day and will be checked every Monday and Thursday so new reading books can be issued. Our expectation is for the children to read at least three times per week. Pupils will be entered into a weekly raffle every time they achieve three entries or more in their diary each week. It is important to hear your child read regularly and discuss the books with them. Ask them to recall and retrieve information they have read, discuss how characters may be feeling at different stages of a story or look up new vocabulary and use in a sentence.
The children will receive a new spelling list to practise at home every Monday. They will then be tested on these the following Monday. Spelling lists will also be available on our online platform 'Spelling Shed' along with games to help the children learn their spellings. Login details will be in your child's diary.
Times Tables 
It is very important that our children learn their times tables as it underpins many aspects of our maths curriculum. At the end of Year 4, your child will also undertake the statutory Multiplication Check as set by the DfE. We use Times Table Rock Stars to set weekly tasks and battles to develop the children's knowledge and instant recall of multiplication tasks. We expect children to go on every day for at least 10 minutes to practise their tables. The class with the highest percentage of logins each week wins. Come on, Owls!
Check out Rock Star Baril showing you how to access TT Rock Stars!
Learning Powers
The children can earn earn points using their Learning Power points. These are:
Busy Bee points for active learning and excellent presentation.
Unicorn points for challenging yourself and having a 'can do' attitude.
Magnifying points for using independent skills in lessons by using success criteria, working walls and the 'Help Desk' in our classroom.
Our Topic
This term we are learning all about Ancient Egypt. The children will be creating their very own Egyptian Museum for their parents and careers to visit. We'll be learning about the fascinating discoveries of Howard Carter, Ancient Pharaoh's and of course the gruesome process of mummification!
Photos of our learning environment and amazing work: